Beyond Repair - University of Cambridge Alumni Magazine - November 2022

The Heart Healing Patch - BHF September 2022


cell repair that is stitched to the heart, the daily mail - January 2022

‘heart-in-a-dish’ to study the effect of coronavirus - June 2020

Cure for heart failure moves closer, Mail Online - August 2019



curious cases - radio 4

The Painless Heart. Why does my heart not ache after exercise? asks listener Keith. Rutherford and Fry explore how and why heart muscle cells are special. Professor Sanjay Sinha explains to Adam how new research into stem cells could be used to fix normally irreparable heart cells.

Learn all about the heart with Kevin - cambridge science festival

Dr Aishwarya Jacob from the Sinha Lab introduces Kevin ‘Our very own Minion’ with a fascinating heart as part of the Cambridge Cardiovascular, Cambridge Science Festival

surgeons: at the edge of life - sinha lab - october 2020

This amazing series includes a clip of the Sinha lab and interview with Dr Sanjay Sinha speaking about the groundbreaking work being carried out at the Stem Cell Institute in Cambridge

regenerating the damaged heart - podcast interview with dr. sanjay sinha - July 2020

George Miller and Stan Dale podcasts present the latest Pager Podcast discussing cell therapies that could restore heart function following heart damage.

Interview with Dr. Maria Colzani and dr. maria rosa pozzi - July 2020

Exploring the effects of Covid infection on cardiovascular biology, and the first hand experience of treating Covid patients in Milan.

Responsive Research about the lab’s Covid-19 research - July 2020

An on-line series of short personal interviews exploring how researchers are adapting their research to investigate Covid-19.

Radio 4 today interview - june 2020

BBC Look East August 2019

Patching up a broken heart

The BHF is funding research to find the genes that cause inherited conditions. Watch our animation to learn how scientists are looking for new treatments for conditions such as Marfan syndrome. Learn more at

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